tree saplings

Offseting your carbon emissions from air travel

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Have you ever been dumb-struck when people discuss about “priority boarding”, “J class”, “stop-overs” etc., and thought how rudimentary and menial your planetary existence is? Well, you also may benefit from this blog posting.

An airplane emits lots of carbon dioxide and related emissions. Using multiple carbon calculators available with various airlines, i found that air-travel between two airports in India – Delhi (DEL) and Kochi (COK) – results in carbon emissions between 0.186-0.552 tonnes for one passenger. In contrast, traveling by train between Delhi and Kochi can result in carbon emission of 0.02 tonnes per passenger. So, air travel causes 10-27 times (or 800-2500 percentage higher) carbon emission as compared to a train travel. Note that the average carbon emission of an Indian, as per World Bank estimates 2013, is 1.6 tonnes for a whole one year. Read the rest of this entry »